Another new Historic Liverpool
Liverpool Landscapes was a blog charting new discoveries, news and developments affecting Liverpool's historic environment. It was regularly updated between 2007 and 2016.
Liverpool Landscape has now been retired, and most of the less time-dependent articles moved to Historic Liverpool.

I’ve been very excited about this for a little while, and though it may be just me who thinks this is cool, I’m pleased to announce the launch of the all-new, polished-and-improved, shiny-swishy Historic Liverpool!
And that’s why I’ve been neglecting this blog for several weeks now.
The non-techy details:
- New appearance and layout
- New structure – click on a Category in the right hand menu to get to the articles
- New content – non-news articles previously on Liverpool Landscapes will have their own category (and will be posted gradually over the coming weeks)
- Vastly improved interactive mapping (see below) – drag, click and scroll around the map like you’re used to on other mapping sites
- So there’s a new Township Map
- And a new, improved Liverpool Explorer
The more techy details:
- Moved from Drupal to WordPress – easier for me to update or modify the site, and therefore more likely to add new stuff
- Moved from MapServer to OpenLayers – while maintaining CamelCase goodness!
- Maintained all links – so everything should still be where you used to find it.
Feedback Please
Anyone who maintains (and has moved) a website will know that things never go precisely to plan. Links break, software has bugs and pages seem to disappear overnight. So do have a play and let me know what you think, and what you’d like to see.
There will be the odd dead-end here and there, but hopefully this will be well-signposted, and gaps will be filled very soon. You can get in touch via the the Contact page on the site.
This refresh of the website is also a chance for me to ask for more general feedback. Do you like the look, or is anything hard to read? All the articles will be scrutinised, revised and updated. New pictures will be added and historic sites written about, but I’m happy to be led by you, so whatever it is you think I should do first, either pop me an email or leave a message in the comments.
News from Somewhere
And just to reassure you that I will continue to bring your attention to news of historic or landscape value, then here are three top stories which have fallen through the cracks while I’ve been locked in a dark room preparing all this new-fangled WordPressery:
- English Heritage launch two new resources for local historians and others: Portico and the Heritage List for England
- The Liverpool Waters project has seen exchanges between Peel and English Heritage, and more recently Cabe have waded into discussions
- Sevenstreets, one of the best Liverpool blogs, muses on a selection of secret quiet spots in the city, many closely associated with the historic landscape of Liverpool.